Monday, May 5, 2008

List Heraldry 101 Class

Okay, I'm going to do something a little new here.

I have my notes for my List heraldry Class linked here.

List Heraldry 101 Class

I am hoping to teach this class at King's College and Ansteorrian Heraldic and Scribal Symposium.
This is (by far) the shorter of my two classes, both in quantity of material and time involved. As much time as I have investing in List heraldry, I know I can handle myself in any northern fighting event as a herald. However, I'm sure what I still have more to learn than not.

I invite any and all to read my notes and leave me comments on what was covered, what wasn't, what needs to be talked about, and any corrections needed.

Lord Ivo Blackhawk
Province of Mooneschadowe
Kingdom of Ansteorra
"God Save the King!"

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