Saturday, July 5, 2008

Some more Blog Updates

Okay, now that I have had some time to actually sit down and worth with google a little, I have managed to do some improvements to my blog and make it a little more functional as a learning place for students.

The New set of links on the right side of my page are:

About Me

Here you will find some more information about my past as a herald.

The Blackfeather News is a monthly new show that I produce


Here you will find my online classrooms for prospective students to the voice heralding arts. Feel free to look around and use all of the materials I have provided to you.

First, I took full advantage of Google sites, and made up some simple web pages that link off of my blog so that the blog itself isn't automatically loaded down with images, text and all that. I like the cleaner, simpler look of the page now that so much stuff is moved off onto its own little corner of the web.

The first thing I want to brag about--yes I'm bragging!--is the creation of my online classrooms. Right now I only have 1 really up and running, and that's my List heraldry, but it comes with class notes, an introduction and a slide show, so I've done about as much as I can do with Google Documents, not that I'm complaining. The change to reach people online with more than just stale, black on white text is a major boon for me.

Also, I managed to pull out my personal information, my list of events that I have heralded and the links to places I travel and give them each their own page, which I think works well for what I am trying to do. Again, it cleans up the page a lot, and makes the Blog itself look a little less messy.

Anyway, now I can put together other classes, and other class notes, and make them available online... "good stuff!" as my friends from High school used to say.

Lord Ivo Blackhawk
Province of Mooneschadowe
Kingdom of Ansteorra
"God Save the King!

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